Hybri Coach2021-07-13T13:31:11+02:00

About Dr Christopher McCreanor

Passionate About Academic and Professional Development

I have worked across various industries for more than 25 years as a lecturer,  researcher, research promotor, examiner, facilitator, talent development specialist and online mentor, coach and assessor for international universities. I have helped students in the past and present with completing their treatise or dissertations successfully.

I have been working as an Academic Coaching Professional since 2006. I specialize in helping students identify and achieve their professional and academic goals by coping with the relentless issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and stress while on their research journey. I take great pride in the progress and success of my students and look forward to helping you. Get in touch to learn more.

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Be Empowered with Professional Academic Coaching

Explore new possibilities with Dr Christopher McCreanor.
Your personal academic coach and mentor.

Welcome to the Academic Coaching & Mentoring Group of Excellence. I understand that competing your Masters or PhD research may not ne an easy journey and present unique and complex challenges to all students.

As a fully certified Coaching Professional, I coach and mentor students who are not first language English speakers or English as foreign language speakers on their journey to academic success.

I’m here to help you on your academic journey to achieve the best results and attain your diploma or degree through unlocking your full potential. If you’re feeling lost or stressed, I’ll support you in a mindful manner and help you attain the success you deserve.

Explore Yourself

Start Learning Today

Proposal Writing

Start Your Research

One-to-one Coaching

Template Review, Research and Sharing

8 One-on-One Sessions – One Hour Sessions

2 Hours Editing and Feedback


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One-on-One Coaching

All the support YOU need!

One-to-one Coaching & Feedback

12 One-on-One Coaching Sessions – One Hour Sessions

2 Hours Editing and Feedback

Personal Feedback

50 FREE Online Courses


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Academic Editing

Complete Editing and Feedback

Firstline Editing

Unlimited Pages

Personal Feedback

Price per Page with written feedback

$6 per page

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Research Writing Proposal Coaching

Coaching to help you through the Research Proposal Writing Phase.

1hr | Variable Packages

Are you at the start of your proposal writing phase or well underway in completing your research? If you you are at the start of your journey, then our one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions will walk you through the process step-by-step.

I will offer you thought-provoking ideas and tools to set you up for success? When it comes to writing your thesis or dissertation, I will coach and guide you through the planning and timeline process to complete your research proposal on time, ensuring quality and alignment to your institution’s directives and guidelines.

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Treaties or Dissertation Coaching

Coaching and mentoring through planing, research and writing.

1hr | Variable Package

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Students must make decisions on many fronts, including the exact scope and a set of models to be used as their theoretical bases. Understanding and fighting your way through qualitative versus quantitative data research approaches. What about data collection strategies and types of data analysis to conduct, and successfully writing a thesis or dissertation?

I am great admirer of Saunders “Research Onion.” To navigate your way through your research we will be peeling the research onion, going from the outer layer to the inner layer of the research onion. Though most researchers design their research to answer a question or

address a problem, they begin by working out what data are needed and what method, tools

or techniques should be used. This means that they start peeling the onion from the center.

Can an onion be peeled from the center?

Are you looking for the most unique and worthwhile title for your research project? Do you want to find and use only related and reliable sources and resources, thus avoid wasting your time?

I do not provide mass classes but believe in specialized and tailor-made one-on-one coaching, and mentoring sessions. The coaching and mentoring sessions are adapted to your specific needs and unique ability.

I will coach or mentor you while providing you with tips and strategies to successfully write your thesis or dissertation.

First Line Editing and Feedback

Full editing services and feedback to improve writing skills

1hr | Depending on Words

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The biggest learning curve for every young researcher is to learn from their mistakes. I complete first-line editing for your research work and sit with you in our one-on-one session and give you feedback on how to improve your writing skills. The technique and approach will help you to understand what you need to dow, how you need to approach your writing and more importantly avoid common mistakes many students make.

I provide in-person or online feedback, taking you through your work almost line by line.

So many editors claim to complete editing, but I have, as an examiner, seen many students submit work, which was check and edited, but still sub-standard. You editing is critical, and you are ultimately responsible for the quality of your writing, but need guidance and support along the way.


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